Build Guide - Recommended Order
Build Guide
We recommend following the below sequence of build guides in order to maximise the efficiency and ease of assembly for your 2021 REA Submarine Kit.
The kit has been engineered to provide a challenge and valuable learning experience for all those who take it on, however the attached how-to guides should provide all the necessary detail for a successful build.
If you find areas that you feel could be better expressed or performed in another way, we encourage you to let us know in the feedback section at the bottom of each how-to guide.
Order of Operations Overview
The 2021 REA Submarine Kit Online Build Guide has been set out in such a way to maximise the efficiency and ease of assembly.
As such, we recommend following the guide layout from left to right, top to bottom. This will produce the optimum build experience.
Recommended Order of Operations
To begin, we recommend that you check all of your components against the lists provided within each Module Category.
To do this, open a Module Category, then open the Components Category.
Within this, as pictured, you will find two how-to guides. One labelled ‘Components Supplied in the Kit’ and the other ‘Components to be manufactured’.
‘Components Supplied in the Kit’ outlines all of the components REA supplies - you should check you have all of these before commencing.
‘Components to be manufactured’ outlines all of the components you need to 3D print yourself - along with the quantity and any relevant print settings etc.
We recommend getting the printing underway before commencing with the build, as the 3D printing will take time to complete. Printing the components in the order of the build guide is also recommended.
Module Guide Order
As previously mentioned, all Module Guides are ordered Left to right, top to bottom.
So we recommend starting your build with the ‘Aft Cap Guides’.
Within this you will find the other category of ‘Assembly’ which contains all of the associated how-to guides.
Just like the Module Categories, you should progress through the how-to guides in the same left to right, top to bottom order.
Once you have completed the Aft Cap Guides, you may progress to the Ballast Tank Guides, Fore Cap Guides and so on.
Guide List
The following is a comprehensive list of all how-to guides associated with the 2021 REA Submarine Kit.
NB: All guides are in the recommended order of operations.
Practical Skills
We recommend anyone undertaking the build first complete the short pre-requisite Practical Skills courses.
This includes:
Build Guide
Once the Practical Skills courses have been completed, you may progress to the 2021 REA Submarine Kit Build Guide.
The following is the recommended order of operations to manufacture and assemble your 2021 REA Submarine Kit.
Components to be Manufactured
We recommend starting the manufacturing of the 3D printed components before commencing with the build as they take time to print. The recommended order is as follows:
Aft Cap - Components to be Manufactured
Ballast Tank - Components to be Manufactured
Fore Cap - Components to be Manufactured
Hull & Buoy - Components to be Manufactured
Power & Processing Module (PPM) - Components to be manufactured
Components Supplied in the Kit
We recommend checking you have all of the components supplied in the kit before commencing with the build to ensure an efficient build process. The recommended component checking order is as follows:
Aft Cap - Components Supplied in the Kit
Ballast Tank - Components Supplied in the Kit
Fore Cap - Components Supplied in the Kit
Hull & Buoy - Components Supplied in the Kit
Power & Processing Module (PPM) - Components Supplied in the Kit